Sara is an old friend from college and I knew her back in her "MurphDogg18" days. If you knew Sara in college you will know what I am referring to, if not just try sending an AIM message to that name sometime. Thanks to FaceBook we were able to connect and get together for some engagement photos. We started at Union Terminal, then tried to brave the cold at Fountain Square, but eventually retreated into the Hilton Netherland, and even snuck into the Hall of Mirrors for a few.
I think it was worth getting a little cold that day, but judge for yourself...
I have to credit my sister with most of my business so far here in Cincinnati, because beyond all of her coworkers she even brought her dentist/orthodontist to me for portraits. Peter and Lori are also new to the Cincinnati area and have fairly recent addition to the family - a handsome little man, Thomas. He was so well behaved for the portraits and I couldn't have asked for better help from Dad in getting him to laugh and smile for the camera.
Here are a few from our afternoon in the park, Enjoy!
Emily and Chris met up a few weekends ago with me for some fall family pics! What a crew they have - Jack, Kate and Lisla. They all fit their parts well. Jack is a gentle older brother who did a great job with his little sisters. I always find personality in kids so intriguing and a lot of fun, and jack has plenty of personality! Kate is an independent middle child and found her own things to do that day in the park. Loved her energy and she was nice enough to let me grab a few cute images during her adventure in the park. And Lisla, well she can't do too much just yet, but she has the only blue eyes of the family and showed them off well. An incredible bunch you guys are!